Your Role AS A Production Factory Manager


In the decade ahead, production and factory managers will be facing more challenges and opportunities that at any time in the past. The role played by them will be very important in the effort to increase worldwide competition.This event will assist the production and factory managers to put in place an operation management process where he/she can clearly define the activities and responsibilities of the production and factory manager.

At the end of this training session, participants will be able to
  • Improve on their production/factory managers skills
  • Understand better on their duties and responsibilities as a production/factory manager for the future
  • Manage and lead production teams more effectively
  • Develop operational strategies for long term success
  • Respond more effectively to environmental changes
  • Create a production and customer driven culture
  • Manage the production performance of their production personnel
  • Develop strategies to motivate their production personals better

This program is fully HRDF claimable.

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